Monday, August 14, 2023

Animated Activator Ratchet

The animated Activators are a surprisingly good assortment of toys, some people say they're similar to the modern one-step figures but I feel they are more closely related to the Basic figures of Beast Wars.
Today we're looking at Activator Ratchet. Ratchet is a very good looking toy, and like all animated toys, looks very close to the show.
The detail is simple but elegant, just like the show! The front of the van on his chest especially is very nice looking, the simple details of the headlights and winch really make it feel complete. The only thing I don't really like about it is the the panel over Ratchet's head, but I can forgive that easily.
The head sculpt Ratchet has is perfect, it replicates the show flawlessly. I love the tired expression he has, shows off his personality amazingly.
His posability is another thing that makes it separate from one-step changers, having actual articulation. For the size of the figure and the time it was released it has pretty good articulation, allowing it to do some nice looking poses.
His transformation is just one of those kind that you just love to do over and over again. With how simple it is you can do it in a matter of seconds, and it only takes one button press (plus flipping some parts out) to get him back into robot mode.
Ratchet's alt mode is a futuristic ambulance and it is presented fantastically here.
If you like animated and you've been skipping out on the Alternators go ahead and buy a few, they're usually pretty cheep as well

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