Friday, September 29, 2023

Authentics Bravo Optimus Primal

The authentics line of Transformers gets a bad wrap, and that's 100% deserved as most of them are complete and utter garbage, and yet, I love them. I don't quite know why but I've always had a soft spot for the dollar general gang, I even have a nearly complete collection of them! However one from this bunch is a bit different, he's... actually good! And that toy is Optimus Primal.
Unlike nearly all the other authentics Primal looks very good. The sculpting on him is top notch, especially the fur.
The techno detail on him is very good as well, like the pistons on his legs and his robot feet
The whole chest
He even has little guns molded on his forearms!
And the head sculpt is beautiful
Only problem I have with it is its lack of paint, and that problem extends to the rest of the figure too. The little paint that they were allowed to use was used really well, used in just the right spots to break up the solid black.
His posability is also a few steps beyond his fellow authentics featuring both knees and elbows, a surprisingly rare sight in the authentics line. These joints allow him to get in some pretty good looking poses
The only major issue with his articulation is how limited his elbows are, they're only able to move like 30⁰.
He transforms exactly how you'd expect him to, nothing groundbreaking here.
The resulting gorilla is very well realized. One of the reasons I suspect why this figure is so much better than the rest of the authentics is how similar the robot and gorilla modes are, it's way easier to get a human shaped thing into a gorilla than it is to get it into a car.
Because of the elbow issue mentioned earlier Primal can't to the chest beating thing, which is a big detractor for a gorilla toy.
The head sculpt for the gorilla mode is also very good, and the lack of paint doesn't take anything away from it.
Same goes for the gorilla chest
Overall Bravo Optimus Primal is a great little toy, for only $5 you can certainly do worse, if you see this guy out in the wild, treat yourself and pick him up

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