Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Earthspark One-Step Wheeljack

One-step changers are a Transformers guilty pleasure of mine, they're usually terrible but I just love them, and earthspark Wheeljack is no different, especially because he's my second favorite autobot.
Now this Wheeljack is actually using a one-step body type that is widely used by many toys from various other toy lines, I like to call it the "switchblade" body type. I believe it was first used by Drift in the AoE toy line.
Wheeljack doesn't exactly look the best, its obvious that hasbro cheeped out with the paint on this guy. He has lines molded where his stripes should be so I guess you can go in with a paintbrush and fix it up yourself. The parts that do have paint looks solid though.
His head looks good, but again suffers from a lack of paint, also I'm disappointed that they used his masked design, I just want a toy that actually uses his mustachioed face (I know a Scout in Cyberverse did, but that figure sucks)
In the subject of posability, he has no posability.
Wheeljacks transformation is so fun to do, and it better be! It being "one-step" is the whole gimmick of this guy! All you do is press a button on the back of his leg and it'll untab everything then it'll spring into car mode, or you can push him over to make him fall into a car.

Oh! Here's the paint!
The car mode looks great, the red and green stripes makes it obvious that this is indeed a Wheeljack, making it that much more awkward that he lacks them in robot mode.
One-step Wheeljack is a great little fidget toy, I usually have him on my desk just so I can grab him and do a quick transform before getting back to what I was doing.
If you like fun simple transformers you'd love this guy, I 100% recommend.

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