Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Legacy Lio Prime

Lio Prime, or more accurately, Lio Convoy is a figure released in the Transformers Legacy toy line. This figure is of the heroic Maximal from the anime "Beast Wars II"

I have never watched this show but I've always thought that his design looks really cool and this figure captures his look almost perfectly.
The painting and amount of detail on this guy is just fantastic, I love random techy bits all over him, and that silver and gold paint just makes this guy pop
And that head sculpt is absolutely beautiful
The yellow eyes are stunning to look at, I've always preferred yellow eyes on Prime figures and this is a prime example why
You can even open his chest to reveal his energon matrix
The posability is the same as most modern day mainline figure, which is to say really really good
From that last image I'm sure you can spot this figures greatest flaw, the kibble, the entirety of the lions legs are just on the back of the arms, greatly limiting its ability to look good in a lot of poses
the other kibble on this guy doesn't bother me nearly as much, the shoulder pads look fine to me and he barely has a backpack
Ok! Enough about the robot mode let's move to the lion mode
The transformation is very fun, it includes lots of unexpected steps, at least for me, I don't collect a lot of beastformers!
There's this one finicky part where you have to tab the robot arms into the lion head and it just doesn't like to stay together very well, but it stays in place once the transformation is complete 
The lion mode itself looks absolutely amazing
It comes together just perfectly, nothing feels like its gonna untab or fall off, it's as solid as a brick
Speaking of bricks, that's all it really is, it has almost no posability, the legs can move back and forward a bit and thats it!
The fur texture is gorgeous adding so much to this guy that otherwise would have been pretty bland
It does have some robot bits here and there but that's to be expected on a beastformer
Now for the second biggest flaw on this figure 
The lions dopey face, I don't know what it is, but it just looks wrong, it looks like he's spacing out , it even kinda looks like Dull Surprise when its mouth is open
the unpainted eyes also don't look to great, I feel they should have used the same paint used to paint the robot modes eyes

Overall this figure is really amazing, it has a few flaws that hold it back from being perfect but who is? If you're interested in this guy you should definitely pick him up

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