Wednesday, July 19, 2023

ROTF Deluxe Smokescreen

Repaints or redecos will always be apart of Transformers, redecos are a great way to squeeze every bit of money out of a mold. The most notorious offenders of this are the seekers, who usually have around 6ish toys per mold, if not more! But one of the more surprising toys who has a lot of redecos is the 2007 Deluxe Jazz mold, which was used for over 10 years. The latest one being released in the 2018 line, movie the best.
Now today we're looking at a Jazz redeco from the ROTF toyline, Deluxe Smokescreen.
Smokescreen has all of the silver from Jazz replaced with this beautiful dark blue color with red accents making him way more interesting to look at than Jazz is.
The details on this guy are amazing, I love all the random techno stuff he has, from his inner legs to his chest.
One thing I don't really like is how jank his arms are, because of his forearms being just two panels folded on top of each other it just results in them being very hollow and ugly, those weird hands don't help either.
Smokescreen's head sculpt is absolutely amazing, with a great helping of light piping.
Smokescreen's posability is very limited, the way the arms are formed make it impossible to get him into a lot of poses.
His transformation is fairly simple, it does have this one interesting part where his arms folds out to become the hood, which I already complained about earlier.
He turns into this great looking Pontiac Solstice. The red and white stripes on it really make it look way more interesting than the plain silver of Jazz.
ROTF Smokescreen is a pretty good redeco of a pretty good figure, is it better than the original deco? That's for you to decide.

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